We are the payment HSM as a Service
provider partner made for You!

We are the payment HSM
as a Service
provider partner
made for You!

The program
First Alliance

The First Tech is a brazilian company founded in 1995, is on the market since 1995 to provide Payment HSM (Hardware Security Module), device needed to PCI compliance and cyber security solutions.

Over the years, the company has achieved leadership status in providing payment HSM solutions in Brazil. Since 2018, the company began to expand the business through security solutions with encryption for payments, thus democratizing this market.

How part the expansion, in 2022, the company is starting a new headquarter at Virgina in USA, with this, the First Tech launches a First Alliance, that is a global program, where technology companies can help the ecosystem payments, offering the HoP Solutions for Digital Payments.

Become a partner

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Please fill out the form and our team will be in touch shortly.